Dolphin Cleaning cycles Automatic Restart

by Char
(Houston, texas)

What do you do about running the cleaner while on vacation? I don't know if this is the case with new models as mine is about 3 years old, but if I'm not here to turn the thing on, it stops at the end of the cycle and doesn't restart. Meaning I can run it as I walk out the door, but it won't run again until I'm here to manually restart it. Obviously a problem. Anyone figure out a workaround?

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Oct 13, 2014
Run once a day
by: Thehobe

Go out and get a 24 hour electric timer from the local drug store or home depot. These are the units that plug in and can turn on your lights when you are out of town. Then set it for 1 or even 2 or 3 times a day making sure you have it off for at least 1/2 hour between "on" cycles. The kind I have use little tabs that you pull out or push in to determine the on-off cycles. This is the only way to cycle the older power supplies without the built=in feature.

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