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Won't reverse 

Tiger Shark operates normally in one direction, but won't reverse. Tried turning off power and allowing unit to reset, but no luck.
Any help would …
dirty pool Not rated yet
my active 20 pool cleaner moved a few feet than stopped. I disassembled the impeller and cleaned it out. When i conducted a dry test with the vacume upside …
Scheda basic 2010 2410073lf rev 02 Not rated yet
Nel motore del mio Dolphin thunder 20 è entrata acqua. La resistenza r38 è bruciata , vorrei saperne il valore per sostituirla. O sapere dove poterne acquistare …
Nautilus CCPlus tips over Not rated yet
5 year old robot. 2 year old Maytronic replacement motor. Drives/ vacs just fine but the damn thing gets stuck on it’s side all the time. It’s like the …
Proteins DX4 runs a foot then stops. Not rated yet
All lights are on. Nothing on impeller. If I pull it up,sometimes it will start back but will stop again. Under warranty but am hoping for a quick troubleshoot. …
R38 port resistor Not rated yet
Where can I buy the 18 olm resistor for my dolphin pool cleaner. It is the resistor that is @ R38. Now have 2 boards with the same issue. Where can I buy …
Dolphin Nautilus CC Plue Not rated yet
My pool cleaner will only go backwards, when it attempts to go forward it moves slightly forward then goes backwards again. I can hear a slight tumbling …
Red light on Not rated yet
Why is my red light on? I’ve cleaned the filters, got new filters and don’t d the reset upside down test. And what do the 1-2-3 lights mean?
Dolphin DX3s shuts off when vertical Not rated yet
My dolphin just stopped running full cycles. I have notice when it does a vertical wall, it stops, if I move the machine till it is flat, it continues. …
Dolphin m4 Not rated yet
I recently had the motor replaced on my dolphin m4 and since then it does not clean the whole Pool. It just goes back an forth..
no random pattern Not rated yet
My Dolphine works fine at picking up debri, climbing walls, going in straight line length/width of pool etc. It just will not "enter into a random" pattern …
Dolphine supreme M4 pro Not rated yet
Recently, our Dolphin supreme M4 pro has broken down. When we turn on thé robot he turns to thé right 90 degrees and then turns back to thé left …
My Dolphin DX3 doesn't work like it used to Not rated yet
I have a Dolphin DX3 robot pool cleaner. It doesn't wonder around the pool anymore, It'll just stay in one area going back and forth. I have a 20X40 unground …
Dolphin S300i PX flashing light Not rated yet
My Dolphin S300i power supply green light is flashing once you turn it on. And the Robots lights doesnt come on and the App says the robot is off. The …
E10 starts, but then stops Not rated yet
I have been having a problem over past week, which I cannot nail.
The dolphin will start, it will roll forward a few feet, then move back a few feet …
S100 wont hold sucked up sand anymore Not rated yet
New pool owner, this device when working is a gift, but after 12-15 uses it does not hold the sucked up sand it used to. Fan/pump is fine. It draws the …
My dolphin gets stuck in same spot Not rated yet
My Dophin Active 10 has been great for three years. However this year it get stuck on the left side of pool ladder and cannot escape. (Above ground pool) …
Splayed Hex Adapter Repaired on Deluxe 4 Not rated yet
At the end of last summer, my Deluxe 4 stopped moving. Clearly the impeller was working because I could see the water circulation it was causing at the …
Nautilus cleans once after being set. Not rated yet
I noticed the nautilus not running. When to restart the cycle for the week and it was having issues and shutting down. A closer inspection revealed one …
Won't power up Not rated yet
dolphin dynamics dx5- 6 years old. Had working in pool, checked on it later and found it had quit, which is not that unusual, but this time the light on …
Dolphin part fell off in the night... Not rated yet
We are caring for our neighbor’s pool while they are gone for a few days. They told us to leave the dolphin in the pool and don’t take it out as it is …
Dolphin wave 100 Not rated yet
We have had our unit 3+ years,I replaced tracks before season, but dolphin still gets stuck in diving well, there is a steep slope, wondering if I need …
dolphin pro rc Not rated yet
good morning, i wonder if you can help me. I had an issue with 1 of the 3 gold colored pins not making electrical contact inside the swivel device. I have …
Help - need a reliable repair option Not rated yet
Our robot went in for "repair" after it stopped working last summer. We just got it back after we were told nothing was wrong - it ran just fine for them. …
Dolphin Diagnostic stops intermittently Not rated yet
My dolphin diagnostic is about 10 - 12 years old. It now stops after 5 - 10 minutes of running, but after 2-3 cycles of stopping and restarting it will …
dolphin pro x 2 air sensor Not rated yet
dolphin pro x 2 keeps coming out of the pool at the beach entry. Is it a faulty air sensor?
Dolphin M4 will not run Not rated yet
This is what happens:
If the cleaner is not plugged into the power supply/controller and I turn on the controller, the on switch lights up and the …
Power Cord- pivot terminal leak Not rated yet
Bought my Dolphin 4 weeks ago, just stopped working after 3 weeks. Confirmed I have 29V coming out of the power supply but nothing at the unit.
Saw …
Dolphim keeps popping wheelies. Not rated yet
My dolphin power supply working and everything is moving however, it keeps popping upright and staying that way. I have taken everything apart and nothing …
No Power Not rated yet
Power Supply (PS) was on but no DC voltage coming out.
Pulled apart PS and looked at the board. One Capacitor seem to be burnt.
Replaced 2 caps and …
Dolphin Stops after 5 minutes Not rated yet
Brand new m5 put in pool. Runs for 5 minutes then stops moving. Runs fine for first five minutes. Turn off turn on. Same thing.
No Power for the Dolphin Deluxe 4 Not rated yet
I tried checking the outlet and it's fine. Also moved to different outlets. Nothing. The bag is clean and the unit was working fine yesterday.
Green LED blinking inside motor box. Not rated yet
One poster stated he had same problem and found a bad resistor on the PC Board. Is that fixable or new motor time? If fixable, anyone have a web site …
old dolphin slow go Not rated yet
My dolphin was working fine the last time i used it. I cleaned it up and when i put it into the pool the next time the traction was very slow and the propeller …
Love my dolphin Not rated yet
Dolphin vacuum works great however it was working fine yesterday today every time I plug it in my GFI trips and wont reset til vacuum is unplugged not …
why does my dolphin pool robot float? Not rated yet
last year it worked fine. this year it was fine for two weeks, the bag is clean. but it won't sink to the bottom anymore? how can i fix this problem?
Dolphin DX4 Wion't Reach Ends of Pool Not rated yet
How can I get the Dolphin 4 to clean the ends of my pool. It is a small pool so that is not an issue. No matter how many times I move it to one end, it …
Dolphin just climbs the walls Not rated yet
Any suggestions.... My dolphin just climbs the walls!!! I've tried moving the black hands inside, out, one to left, one to right! Help please!!!!
Dolphin Power Supply Problem Not rated yet
I have a Dolphin that is approx. 8 years old. The power supply switch turns itself off as soon as I turn it on. The unit worked fine two days ago. Any …
Dolphin Stopped after Motor Replacement Not rated yet
Our Dolphin Supreme M4 needed a new motor. It would move a little, maybe go up a wall a bit then fall off and stop or just stop altogether. It seemed only …
DX4 Clogged Bag Light Not rated yet
I have an Dolphin 4 Deluxe. When I turn it on the clogged bag light blinks and it will not move. I have cleaned everything I can possibly clean.I have …
moby 2 year old stays in one end Not rated yet
recently purchased used. likes to stay more in one end of pool and at times does not clean entire floor. is it permitted to guide the robot to the missed …
foward for a few second then reverses Not rated yet
I put my robot in the pool for the first time this year. It goes foward for a few second then reverses for a few seconds. The fan for exhaust on the robot …
dolphin commander Not rated yet
appears to work for about 1/2 second, impeller is not spinning but belts and brush wheels are moving, what can the problem be. any trouble shooting ideas …
Power source turns off Not rated yet
After a few seconds after turning on the power source the motor starts
The dolphin will go forward about a foot and then the power source shuts off
Moisture iIn Motor Problem Not rated yet
I checked my power supply, it is fine.
I opened up the grey box and found moisture inside. The problem was it would start and after less then a minute …
Power pack takes a dive Not rated yet
despite "NO diving" rules my Dolphin power pack took a dive into the pool and does not work. Will it dry out? Will it nullify any warranty if I take the …
Dolphin Power Supply Not rated yet
My dolphin will not turn on. The light did not turn on on the power supply when I push on. Any ideas??
ADMIN REPLY: Does the power supply turn on …
Dolphin Stays in Deep End Not rated yet
The cleaner spends most of it's time cleaning the pool's deep end and very little time in the shallow end.
ADMIN REPLY: Could be a dirty bag. Try running …
Switch problem Not rated yet
While the dolphin is plugged in, when I try to turn on the power switch, it pops back off.
Dolphin Erratic Not rated yet
Dolphin Dynamic plus four years old. Put alway last october clean. Come to house and pool and tried for first time yesterday. Found problem. Taken everything …
Dolphin will not power off Not rated yet
The four blue lights on the power indicator will not shut off.
ADMIN REPLY: On/off switch my guess
Dolphin Advantage On Off On Off Not rated yet
My dolphin diagnostic advantage turns on then off thin on and off three times then just sits there. Machine never moves at all. I have constant DC voltage …
Starts and Runs For Two Minutes Not rated yet
We have dismantled all parts, with the exception of the relays The machine will start and run for about two minutes. We then disconnect, start it again, …
swivel cable will not swivel Not rated yet
cable is not swiveling, just knots up. Help
ADMIN REPLY: Call Maytronics, I have no experience with the swivel. Please come back …
Yellow Drive Belt Question Not rated yet
It has worked beautifully low these many years. However, this year it only moves in a small relatively square spot..but clean this well. Upon investigation …
blown fuse on dolphin commander Not rated yet
The dolphin commander just stopped working. I checked the fuse in the back of the power unit and it was blown. Replaced a couple of times and as soon as …
Wet Power Supply Not rated yet
HI my power supply is not performing i got the dolphin,#dl2019 out of the shed and the power pack had water in it. I let it dry in the sun fully open, …
dolphin pattern Not rated yet
I just bought a pre-owned dolphin. My old died after 10 years and i liked it so much I bought another one. But this one only wants to go to the deep end …
Dolphin Explorer Won't Sink Not rated yet
My Dolphin Explorer worked fine when I started it up this year one time and now it won't sink......what could it be???
ADMIN REPLY: My guess would be …
Maytronics Dolphin Pump Not Working Not rated yet
I have a Dolphin pool cleaner. It turns on and the drive system works, but the propulsion fan seems to be on the fritz. When I initially plug it in it …
Just stopped! Power but no power? Not rated yet
I have a Dolphin and it has always worked great. Recently i used it to clean the pool. I turned it off to clean out the bag, I cleaned out the bag and …
Robot Power Supply Got Wet Not rated yet
I left my power supply for my robot nautilus out and it got rained on. It hasn't been able to come on since.
ADMIN REPLY: When you searched this site …
Repair Facility Near NJ Not rated yet
My robot was working normal, then stop no start. power supply light is out need to replace power supply I guess
I would like to know if any dealer …
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voltage output Not rated yet
When the dolphin stopped working, I checked the power, & removed the cable. the cable wires were twisted together inside of the bulkhead connector, I think …
Dolphin Deluxe 4 and Drain Covers Not rated yet
Our Dolphin Deluxe 4 gets stuck on the drain covers at the deep end of our in ground pool. We had our pool renovated and also went from one flat drain …
Dolphin Diagnostic Advantage Not rated yet
I put it in the pool, turn it on, it goes forward about 10 feet, it reverses about 10 feet then moves real slow forward and stops. I took the side case …
very upset about Dolphin Pro Not rated yet
I purchased a dolphin pro at the begining of summer. I have used it a few times with no problems. Ive followed all instructions on how to operate, and …
DOLPHIN 4 (BRAND NEW) Not rated yet
Dolphin Dynamic will not turn on Not rated yet
Used my cleaner yesterday, ran perfect. Went to use again today and it will not come in. Not sure what to do to find out why. Unit was manufactured in …
dolphin dx 4 not behaving Not rated yet
Hi there, when i put the dolphin into the pool and turn the switch on, it only runs for a few seconds and then shuts off.
When i went to fire it up …
Dolphin Issues Not rated yet
Dolphin PS Switch kept tripping, opened PS and found water.. Dried out all components got switch to work again, but takes a few tries before it sticks …
floating dolphin Not rated yet
just bought the cleaner. 2nd day to use. have cleaned the filter twice and 2nd time I put it in the water after, it would not go to the bottom of the pool, …
Power cable plug pins Not rated yet
I have 4 pins on my power cable...not sure which pins to check for power. Does anyone have a electrical diagram?
Not vacuuming Not rated yet
Dolphin runs :02 in an irregular pattern then stops.will run manually ,but does not vacuum in either mode.rubber seal on remote toggle switch is deteriorated …
Power Supply Overheats Not rated yet
My Power supply transformer gets very hot and blows fuses, have disconnected the robot, checked continuity on the switch, and still blows fuses, any assistance …
Blown Fuse Not rated yet
fuse broke when turn on.
ADMIN REPLY: You have a short, possibly in the cable
Dolphin Starts and Stops Fix Not rated yet
When I start my dolphin sweep it goes for about 5 seconds and then stops. I plug into a differant socket and works fine. Then plug in same socket,stops. …
Dolphin was found with roller off Not rated yet
Purchased my Dolphin last year 5-2010 and used it for 3 months and loved how well it worked and how much time it saved. This year after using it for 2 …
Dolphin power supply problem Not rated yet
on my yellow box power supply type: diagnostic dc model: 5204 250 w
input ac 115 v 60hz output dc 29v 11a
soon as flip switch …
Pool Robot Getting stuck Not rated yet
Hey there we just had our pool installed last year the dolphin keeps getting stuck on the main drains. We never had the problem lasy year.
Dolphin commander power supply Not rated yet
I purchased a dolphin the end of last season and tried to use it this year and it doesn't work. When plugged in I see it starts bubbling but doesn't move. …
Main drain Not rated yet
We have a Dolphin Diagnostic and it keeps getting stuck on the main drain dome and is wearing the liner in that spot.
Please advise what can be done I …
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